Student Handbook
- Welcome
- District Vision, Mission and Beliefs
- School Information
- Academics
- Guidance Counseling Services
- Attendance
- Daily Schedule
- Chapel Hill Rules and Procedures
- Indiana's Bullying Legislation
- Student Drug Testing
- Electronic Devices
- School Bus Conduct and Safety Rules
- Dress Code Guidelines
- District Free Speech and Expression Rights Policy
- Clinic
- Food Service
- Cafeteria Behavior Procedures
- Bookstore
- Positive Behavior Supports
- Lockers
- Parent Visitors
- Appendix A - C
Dear CHAPEL HILL Students and Families,
2024-2025 is going to be a great school year at Chapel Hill! We are excited for you to be here and to Activate and Accelerate your education.
What can you do to make certain you finish successfully?
- Stay Organized: Work with your teachers to develop a system that helps you stay organized
- Stay Connected: Join a club, sport, or other extra curricular activities to stay involved in CHC
- Stay Informed: Check skyward for your grades. Show your parents your success.
Our goal is to develop GREAT people and that starts with you, the student!
Marc Renaud
District Vision, Mission and Beliefs
To develop GREAT people!
To activate and accelerate student learning.
Growth: We create the conditions for data-driven growth for both students and staff.
Equity: We provide a human-centered and culturally-responsive system.
Integrity: We say what we mean and follow through on our commitments to ourselves and others.
Trust: We invest in our relationships to earn trust.
High Expectations: We engage in a productive struggle to reach our full potential.
School Information
School Contact Information
7320 West 10th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46214
317-988-8800 (Phone)
317-988-8949 (Fax)
317-988-8900 (Attendance)
General Information
Office Hours - 7:45 AM to 4:45 PM
Student Hours - 9:15 AM to 4:15 PM
Enrollment - Approximately 1300 students
School Colors - Purple, White, and Black
7th Grade Teams
- Champions, Gladiators, Navigators, Heroes
8th Grade Teams
- Stars, Trailblazers, Avengers, Heroes
Title | Name | Email/Phone |
Principal | Marc Renaud | Email 317-988-8830 |
Principal Secretary | Patrice Tyler | Email 317-988-8875 |
7th Assistant Principal | Jeremy Johnson | Email 317-988-8843 |
7th Guidance Counselor | Brandon Jackson | Email 317-988-8844 |
8th Assistant Principal | Tonja Thompson | Email 317-988-8914 |
8th Guidance Counselor | Cherie Sanders | Email 317-988-8930 |
Student Services Director | Kyndal Mitchell | Email 317-988-8842 |
Athletic Director | Kris Gouty | Email 317-988-8925 |
School Nurse | Myriam Ortega | Email 317-988-8849 |
School Treasurer | Janea Myles | Email 317-988-8818 |
By organizing the student body into eight different academic teams, Chapel Hill creates a small and more inclusive school environment.
Chapel Hill uses Skyward for its online grading system. Parents and students have access to their school grades and attendance through Skyward. If you need assistance accessing Skyward, contact your grade-level guidance counselor for support.
The grade scale is common between both district middle schools and the Ninth Grade Center. Students will receive an academic education grade (letter grade), which will reflect their knowledge/skills of the Indiana Academic Standards or district curriculum for each subject area. All classroom assessments, assignments (including homework), and activities will be directly linked to the Indiana Academic Standards. Grades accumulate over the course of the semester.
Grade Level Standards | Scoring Guide |
Percent Based |
Letter Grade |
Description of Achievement Level on the Applicable Standards |
Exemplary | 4 | 100 | A+ | The student demonstrates mastery at or above the 90% level on the appropriate state standards. |
93-99 | A | |||
90-92 | A- | |||
Proficient | 3 | 87-89 | B+ | The student demonstrates mastery at or above the 80% level on the appropriate state standards. |
83-86 | B | |||
80-82 | B- | |||
Progressing | 2 | 77-79 | C+ | The student demonstrates mastery at or above the 70% level on the appropriate state standards. |
73-76 | C | |||
70-72 | C- | |||
Not Yet Meeting Standard | 1 | Below 70 | F* | The grade of F indicates that the student did not demonstrate achievement at or above the 70% level on the appropriate state standards. |
Guidance Counseling Services
Chapel Hill provides Guidance Centers on both floors for student services--- Upper Guidance and Lower Guidance. Our three Chapel Hill counselors work with students to improve social, organizational, attendance and academic skills throughout the school year. Students and parents may seek meetings with the grade level counselor simply by calling the counselor to set up a time. In addition, each counselor works closely with the Assistant Principals, and each plays a major role with state testing, conflict resolution, and student scheduling.
Cummins Mental Health Services is also located inside Chapel Hill providing out-patient behavioral services in which students and families can work together with a mental health professional. Parents may seek a referral for their children through their grade-level guidance counselor.
The goal at Chapel Hill is to help students build lifelong habits for success. Being on time and attending school every day is a skill that children must have! For the state of Indiana, attendance is required of all students with “Compulsory School Attendance IC 20-33-2”.
- Parents must call 317-988-8900 in the morning, 6:00-10:00 am, each day their student is absent. A voicemail can be left if it is before school hours.
- Upon return to school, the student will bring a parent note explaining their absence and will turn it into the Main Office Attendance Secretary. Anytime a student is under doctor’s care, the student should bring in a doctor’s note. All written documentation (medical or otherwise) to excuse absences must be submitted to the attendance secretary in the main office. Documentation for absences can be turned in at any time throughout the school year.
- MAKE-UP WORK: For all absences, students will have the same number of days absent to make up any work missed. On the second absence, a parent may request make-up work before 9:15am at 317.988.8800. The parent must speak to the attendance secretary to ensure work is / can be collected. The student’s make-up work may be picked up after 8:30 am on the following day. Some assignments can also be accessed on the student’s Chromebook.
- If ever a student exceeds five (5) days absence, the parent may be asked to meet with the counselor, parent liaison or administrator to determine an action plan for eliminating future absences. In addition, the district mails attendance letters home to ensure certain families stay aware of their student absences.
- If a student reaches ten (10) or more absences, for any reason, the school may file Truancy with the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office per IC 20-33-2.
Tardy to School
- Students are tardy to school if they are not in the building by 9:15 am.
- In order for the tardy to be excused, a doctor’s note or other appropriate documentation must be provided.
- All tardies to school without proper documentation will be counted as unexcused.
- Students will be issued a warning after five (5) unexcused tardies, a Thursday School after ten (10) unexcused tardies. Thursday Schools will continue to be assigned for every five tardies after five (15, 20… etc.).
Early Release from School
During the school year, a student may need to leave school early for various reasons with a parent / guardian. This can / does disrupt the learning environment when we have to call the classroom to get the student. We ask all families to make early releases a rarity, but do
understand there are circumstances where this is unavoidable.
Please note:
- No student will be released early without an adult in person to sign out. (This adult must be on the Contact List for the child.
- All adults signing-out students early will provide legitimate identification.
- Please adhere to rule #2 (under absences) above
Daily Schedule
Chapel Hill Rules and Procedures
The Wayne Township “Student Code of Conduct and Annual Notices” will be given to students or mailed home during the summer. In addition to that Code of Conduct, we expect Chapel Hill students to read, understand and follow all of the district and Chapel Hill Procedures and Rules each year. These rules include, but are not limited to the following:
- All School and District conduct rules apply (1) during school activities on or off district property; (2) on district property at any time; (3) while traveling to or from school or a school activity.
- Students will carry the Chromebooks and will sign and follow the Wayne Responsible Use Policy. Students who use Chromebooks are required to have the Responsible Use document signed by a parent/guardian and turned in each school year.
- Students will keep all bookbags in their lockers throughout the school day. Bookbags will be placed in lockers prior to the start of IMPACT. Students are encouraged to carry 3 inch binders. Students will take their bookbags with them to their last block of the day in preparation for dismissal. Students will need to get in and out of their locker during passing periods for each class.
- Students are not permitted to take Chromebooks or bookbags to the cafeteria.
- Cell phones and headphones must be kept in bags during the school day. Calls, texts, videos and photos may not be taken or received during the school day. (reference “Electronic Devices” section)
- All Chapel Hill students will wear a team lanyard and ID around their necks all day, every day, in addition to wearing the team lanyard and ID around their necks to after-school events.
- Any personal item that is considered disruptive to the school environment, including cell phones, can be confiscated, and returned to the student / parent by the end of the school day.
- Students who have earned an out-of-school suspension or expulsion are excluded from all Wayne school property during the course of the suspension and/or expulsion.
- Students must be in their assigned area at all times, and must be supervised by a staff member at all times.
- Upon violation of a rule or procedure, and/or after warning/s, students may earn a lunch detention, a morning detention, a Thursday School, an In-School Suspension (ISS), an Out-of-School Suspension (OSS), Alternative Placement, and in extreme circumstances, an Expulsion. In addition, grade-level teams may assign consequences during the day for a team student (no passing periods, team ISS, staff member escort to classes, etc…)
NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list. Administrators will give each student Due Process during each investigation, and will contact parents at the close of the investigation. Additional information can be found on the MSD of WAYNE TOWNSHIP INFORMATION GUIDE, STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT AND ANNUAL NOTICES.
Indiana's Bullying Legislation
Bullying is prohibited by the MSD of Wayne Township. Students who commit any acts of bullying are subject to discipline including but not limited to suspension or expulsion. Students may also be subject to arrest and/or prosecution for criminal acts.
IC 20-33-8-0.2 "Bullying" Sec. 0.2. As used in this chapter, "bullying" means overt, repeated acts or gestures, including: (1) verbal or written communications transmitted; (2) physical acts committed; or (3) any other behaviors committed; by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other student.
IC 20-33-8-13.5 Discipline rules prohibiting bullying required Sec. 13.5. (a) Discipline rules adopted by the governing body of a school corporation under section 12 of this chapter must: (1) prohibit bullying; and (2) include provisions concerning education, parental involvement, reporting, investigation, and intervention. (b) The discipline rules described in subsection (a) must apply when a student is: (1) on school grounds immediately before or during school hours, immediately after school hours, or at any other time when the school is being used by a school group; (2) off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event; (3) traveling to or from school or a school activity, function, or event; or (4) using property or equipment provided by the school. (c) This section may not be construed to give rise to a cause of action against a person or school corporation based on an allegation of noncompliance with this section. Noncompliance with this section may not be used as evidence against a school corporation in a cause of action.
Student Drug Testing
Our school’s Administrators reserve the right to request a drug test according to the Wayne Township Board Policy. Please read as follows:
The use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is prohibited and requires interventions. Students may be tested through voluntary testing, which requires parent/guardian permission, or required testing based on individualized, reasonable suspicion. Voluntary testing may be requested when a student violates certain school rules or if the student is having significant trouble with grades or attendance. “Individualized, reasonable suspicion” means circumstances which, when considered together in the context of which each occurred, give rise to a reasonable belief that, at the time the test would be administered, the test would show that the student had used a drug, alcohol, or tobacco in violation of Indiana or Federal Law or M.S.D. of Wayne Township Student Conduct Rules.
Substances for which students may be tested include illegal drugs, legal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and substances that mask the presence of or block the detection of another substance. The use of a “blocking agent” is an expellable offense. The refusal to provide a specimen is a violation and will have the same consequences as a positive test. The results of voluntary testing will be reported to the district testing
coordinator who will notify the parent/guardian of the results. If the test results are positive, the testing coordinator will work with the parent or guardian to find appropriate assistance for the students. The consequences of a confirmed positive required test shall be consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.
Electronic Devices
Each student is issued a Chromebook for use during the school year. Students must keep Chromebooks inside the padded bag at all times, must make certain the devices are fully charged, and must carry those devices to school every day. In case of damages, a student’s parent may receive a bill in the mail for payment or replacement. Chromebooks are not permitted in the cafeteria. It is strictly prohibited to take photos or videos of staff members and / or students on a Chromebook; unless it is for an educational purpose determined by a staff member.
Cell Phones / Headphones
Students may bring a cell phone to school, but it will be placed in their locker / bookbags during the school day. Cellphones, and headphones, must be turned off at all times during the school day. If related to classroom assignments, wired headphones that can be plugged into the student’s Chromebook can be used with the teacher’s permission . If a phone is not in a locker / bookbag, a staff member will remind the student to turn off the phone and put it in their locker / bookbag.
Calls, texts and photos CANNOT be made or received during the school day. The use of Social media (ie. Snapchat, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc) is prohibited during the school day.
It is strictly prohibited to take photos or videos of staff members and / or students for any reason.
If a student’s cell phone must be confiscated because of misuse, or not following a staff member's directions, parents will be able to pick up the student phone in the Main Office.
If a student’s parent / guardian needs to get in contact with their student, they need to contact the Main Office.
If a student needs to contact their parent / guardian, they need to go to their appropriate guidance office.
School Bus Conduct and Safety Rules
These rules are designed to promote safety on the buses at all times, since the safety of all students is our top priority. In order to help ensure student safety, periodic videotaping may occur on the bus. School bus transportation is a privilege. If transportation privileges are denied, parents or guardians are responsible for getting the child to and from school.
To promote a safe, orderly, efficient and enjoyable bus ride to and from school the rules listed below must be followed by all students.
At the bus stop...
- Be on time. Board only at your regularly assigned stop, unless special permission is received in advance.
- Stay out of the street and away from the road.
- Help protect surrounding property while waiting.
- Wait to enter until the bus comes to a full stop, and the door has been opened by the driver. Take your turn and do not push when entering the bus.
On the bus...
- Always obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
- Be seated promptly and stay in the assigned seat.
- Keep all books and materials on your lap or contained in a pack or bag.
- Be courteous and use no profane language.
- Speak in low tones.
- Never push, shove, scuffle or horseplay.
- Keep all belongings including head, hair, hands and feet inside the bus and to yourself.
- Never smoke or use any tobacco product.
- Never fight.
- Never throw objects inside or outside the bus.
- Never eat or drink on the bus.
- Treat bus seats and equipment with care and respect.
- Keep the bus clean and orderly. Leaving the bus
- Leave the bus only at your regularly assigned stop, unless special permission is received in advance.
- Wait to leave until the bus comes to a full stop, and the door has been opened by the driver. Take your turn and do not push when leaving the bus.
- Once off, clear the area immediately. If crossing the street in front of the bus, wait for a signal from the bus driver, then walk quickly across the street.
During Dismissal
Students are to board their buses immediately during dismissal. Students are not permitted to get on a bus that is not theirs. Students are not allowed, under any circumstance, to stand outside their bus. Students need to go directly to their assigned seats on their assigned bus.
Failure to follow bus rules and procedures, could result in loss of bus privileges. Parent / guardian, in result, would be responsible for student transportation.
Dress Code Guidelines
Student Appearance: The Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township is committed to providing an environment that is the most beneficial for student’s safety and learning. A broad-based committee of parents, teachers, students and administrators developed the following guidelines which were approved by the Wayne Township School Board. They were designed to reflect Wayne Township’s Community Values. These guidelines are consistent with the Student Code of Conduct Rules for the MSD of Wayne Township. No
article of clothing, tattoo, or accessory may contain language or graphic representations depicting or promoting the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, showing gang affiliation or encouraging gang activity, violence, or sexual activity. These guidelines are provided to assist students and their families in recognizing what is acceptable in Wayne Township schools. Please contact your student’s principal for further clarification and requests for special circumstance exemptions.
Team lanyards and IDs worn around the neck are part of the required daily dress for all Chapel Hill students.
- Shirts / Tops All shirts or tops must “cover” the underarm, chest, shoulders (no spaghetti straps), stomach, and back. T-shirts with vulgar or suggestive slogans or advertising that promote alcohol, tobacco, drugs or any illegal products are not permitted.
- Pants, Skirts, Shorts All articles of clothing on the lower torso must rest naturally at the top of the hip to ensure that undergarments are not visible in the standing or sitting position. Shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh/fingertip in length when a student’s arms are comfortably at his/her side. Clothing which is primarily constructed of spandex, spandex type, or other excessively tight material is not permitted as an outer garment, unless it is covered by acceptable clothing at the mid-thigh/fingertip length. Pajamas are not permitted. Any holes in the clothing above fingertip length must be covered with tape or other materials over the hole.
- Shoes Footwear must be worn in school at all times. House shoes and house slippers are not permitted. At the elementary level, shoes should be appropriate for recess and student safety should be a consideration. Excessively loose shoes or shoes that pose a tripping hazard should be avoided.
- Jackets / Coats Jackets are permitted to be worn in the school during the instructional day. Heavy coats designed for frigid temperatures and/or excessively large coats are not permitted. Blankets are not permitted during the school day.
- Headwear and Glasses Sunglasses shall not be worn in the buildings. Head coverings will not be permitted during the school day. Students may appropriately use articles (barrettes, bandanas, headbands, scarves) designed to pull or hold hair.
- Hair/Facial Jewelry Student’s hair, jewelry, or other accessories should not interfere with the educational environment of the school or safety of each student. Only approved dental work is permitted such as braces and retainers. “Grills” are not allowed.
- Book bags / Backpacks Book bags and backpacks are permitted in school. Excessively large bags and bags with rollers may be restricted during the school day.
- Undergarments / See-Through Materials Undergarments are not to be visible at any time. Outer garments are to be worn in a manner which will cover up all undergarments. See-through materials do not constitute “cover.”
This list is not intended to be an exhaustive list of prohibited items. Clothing, accessories, and other items deemed disruptive, offensive, or contrary to the school’s mission by the school administration may be prohibited.
District Free Speech and Expression Rights Policy
Students may express publicly or privately, in writing or orally, their opinions, concerns and ideas as long as that expression does not interfere with the rights of others in the school setting, interfere with the school environment, or interfere with an educational function.
To see that the student’s expression is offered in an appropriate manner at an appropriate time and place so that it does not interfere with an educational function or school purposes; present a hazardous condition; contain vulgarities, libelous or slanderous components as defined by law; or advocate violation of a law or school rule.
The Chapel Hill nurse welcomes all students, and their families in student health conversations so that Chapel Hill can offer help with minor health issues during the school day. Because of the serious nature of medications, she is very careful in keeping all information private, and in making no medical diagnoses in the clinic.
School Immunizations
Whenever a child enrolls in the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township, the parents are required to furnish the school corporation with a written statement of the child’s immunizations no later than the first day of school, accompanied by the physician’s certificates or other documentation, unless such a written statement is on file with the corporation. Minimum immunization requirements for school entry vary by grade level and a student's age. Please check with your health care provider or school nurse for the latest Indiana State Department of Health requirements which can be found on
The law does provide for exemption from immunization for those children who show a physician’s statement indicating the child cannot receive the immunizations because of health reasons and for those children whose parents present the school with a written statement objecting to the immunizations for religious reasons. The request for exemption must be filed annually.
- A student will visit the clinic with a pass from a teacher. Students will go directly to the clinic/nurse.
- Students may NOT make calls or send text messages seeking parent/guardian action.
- In the case of an emergency, the nurse will take charge of the situation and contact parent/guardian and/or authorities as needed.
- All medications need a written note from the parents, and a pass from the nurse if meds are taken during the school day. The nurse can only give prescribed or over-the-counter medications to students, which are provided from the parents.
- In the unusual event that a student must carry medication during the school day (like inhalers), a doctor’s note and written permission from the parent must be filed with the school Nurse. Otherwise, students are to take all medications under supervision in the Clinic.
- Food allergies must be filed with the nurse before food service can make substitutions.
- If a student requires temporary special restroom procedures, a doctor’s note is required, and can be Faxed to the school nurse at 317-988-8949.
- Feminine hygiene products are available in the clinic.
- Chapel Hill Students are tested for Hearing, and Vision at their grade level. In addition, the Mobile Dentist visits Chapel Hill at which time parents may request check-ups for their student.
Please contact our school nurse at 317-988-8849 with further questions.
Food Service
Our Wayne Township Food Service offers students a wide variety of food options for breakfast and lunch each day. In addition, students may carry their own nutritious lunch from home.
- Student PIN Numbers: Every student is issued a 5-digit PIN number at the start of the school year. They will use it each day, and it must never be shared.
- Breakfast: Breakfast is free of charge at Chapel Hill. Breakfast items are available on carts in team hallways where students will obtain breakfast. Classes will go to the carts in an organized fashion during IMPACT.
- Lunch: Lunch is free of charge at Chapel Hill. This includes an entree, milk, vegetable and fruit.
Cafeteria Behavior Procedures
When students are in the cafeteria, we have procedures in place to maintain a safe and orderly environment. These
procedures help reduce the amount of time it takes to feed students during a 30 minute lunch period.
We expect…
- … each teacher will walk a class in two lines quietly to the cafeteria each day during their assigned time.
- … each class will be seated in a row of tables, and will be dismissed to get lunch by a cafeteria supervisor.
- … student’s to talk to each other at their tables during their lunch time. Yelling in the cafeteria, or to other tables, is not permitted.
- … no cell phones or headphones to be present.
- … no backpacks or Chromebooks in the cafeteria.
- … students are to remain in their assigned seats for the duration of the lunch period.
- … students are not to stand up / walk around / walk out of the cafeteria without permission from a supervising adult.
- … students are not permitted to change seats during lunch.
- … at the end of lunch for each class to be dismissed by the teacher in an orderly fashion. Students will then empty their trays and trash and line up quietly to return to class.
If a parent / guardian brings McDonald’s, Chick-Fil-A, Taco Bell, etc… in for a student, they must eat it in the main office.
The Chapel Hill Treasurer conducts business at the bookstore during the school day. On most school days, the bookstore is open from 9:00 am - 10:00 am and 11:15 am - 1:30 PM.. PE uniforms, as well as Giants spirit wear, team lanyards, IDs, Chromebook Chargers, and school supplies, may be purchased there.
Bookstore Prices (Click HERE)
Positive Behavior Supports
The goal of teachers and teams is to help all students find positive ways to succeed inside and outside the classroom. Students may attend several BIG EVENTS during the school year.
Each grade level team also provides their own reward systems throughout the school year. Teams recognize students through “Fun Fridays” and other incentives on the team for meeting Chapel Hill expectations.
At Chapel Hill, every student is assigned a locker they will use all year for their belongings. Students are never to share their locker combination with another student!
Depending on class choices, a student could actually have FOUR different lockers at Chapel Hill: a hall locker (all), a music locker (band area), a PE locker (in the gym area), and an Athletic locker for an after-school sport (in the gym area.)
Probably the most important fact to remember is that the lockers are owned by the school. At any time, a school official can open lockers if needed. The students’ responsibility is to keep lockers clean and organized, and to make certain nothing illegal is placed in the locker.
Parent Visitors
Parents and legal adult guardians are always welcome at Chapel Hill! Please follow the procedures we have for visitors so that your presence never disrupts our learning environment.
Our first invitation is for Walk-Through Day in July. Student schedules are mailed home, then students WITH parents may come to Chapel Hill to walk around the school finding classrooms and asking questions if needed.
Next, our Back-To-School Night is usually scheduled in August. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend that evening to meet teachers, as well as to discover many opportunities for the parent and the student throughout the year!
In October, Student-Led Conferences are held by appointment with teams and teachers two different evenings before the Fall Break. This is an incredibly important time for the most important people in our students’ lives to talk together.
For all other visits during the school year:
- All adult parents will enter Door #1, produce an ID, sign in and obtain a Visitor’s Pass to be worn on the day you are here. You will then be escorted to your first site (classroom, meeting room, etc.)
- Chapel Hill teachers welcome parent visits throughout the year. However, the teacher cannot conference with the adult parent during a classroom visit. If a parent needs a conference, please feel free to call the teacher to make an appointment.
- Students’ friends or other relatives cannot visit during the school day. In addition, our own Wayne high school students cannot come to visit during the school day unless it is for a special performance or program.
- Adult parents may occasionally schedule to eat lunch with their student, their child. That will take place during the student’s 30-minute lunch time in the Main Office. (Our Chapel Hill Cafeteria is packed!) Other students simply cannot be “invited” to the special lunch because of time restraints.
NOTE: Administration reserves the right to approve or deny a request for visits in the building, or on school property. Safety is our priority.