Chapel Hill 7th & 8th Grade Center
School Supplies List
Much of our student’s work will be done on their Chromebooks. The most important item for them to have each day is a fully charged Chromebook. They are also encouraged to have their Chromebook charger with them each day. They should take good care of their Chromebooks. Keep them out of reach of younger siblings and pets, and do not loan their Chromebook or charger to other students. Teachers will explain the procedure for reporting malfunctioning or broken Chromebooks. Below are other supplies that will be helpful for each student to have:
- Backpack
- Pocket Folders for organizing
- Binder for organizing
- Pens and Pencils each day
- Colored Pencils or Markers
- Spiral Notebook or Notebook Paper
- Headphones (to be used with teacher permission when used for assignments)
- Kleenex for locker or backpack
- Hand Sanitizer for locker or backpack